Traffic Law
Attorney Jeffers covers all types of violations, including speeding tickets and citations, DWIs, suspended and revoked licenses, and more. Backed by 30 years of legal experience. We help our clients understand complex legalese and will throw our full weight behind developing a winning strategy for your case.
Get in touch for a free consultation.
Speeding Ticket
If you’ve received one or more traffic tickets, pleading guilty could seriously impact your life by losing your legal right to drive. Not to mention hiked auto insurance rates, fees, and damage to your record.
Even minor offenses can benefit from the assistance of a speeding ticket lawyer. Avoiding points today is likely to pay off in the future. When it comes to matters like traffic law, don’t regret deciding to go it alone.
Entrusting your next steps to a professional creates exponentially greater odds of success. Contact an experienced lawyer to ensure your auto citation is handled in the smartest way possible to better preserve your driving license and record.

DWI Lawyer
Being pulled over and wondering if you’ve made an error in judgment is every driver’s nightmare. The only thing worse is if it results in an unfortunate collision.
The consequences of a DWI are incredibly expensive, financially and otherwise, and these cases are taken very seriously in North Carolina. Handling drunk driving charges with expert care and precision is vital, so enlisting a reliable traffic lawyer is a must.
We know the importance of a knowledgeable and aggressive DWI lawyer, and we’re experienced at thoroughly gathering evidence to craft the strongest possible defense and protect our clients' rights.
DWIs are known to cost thousands of dollars, can lead to jail time, and impede your ability to find employment. Make sure your case is put into the most qualified hands of a winning DWI lawyer.

Suspended License Lawyer
Losing your license is a big deal for those who drive themselves and others to work or school. In cases where license suspension is possible, it’s in your best interest to hire a suspended license lawyer.
We’ve fought for and restored the right of our clients to drive on many occasions and have a wealth of experience successfully securing them limited driving privileges. We’re prepared to help you navigate this complex procedure to get you back on the road as soon as possible.
In some cases, drivers aren’t aware their licenses are suspended, and even low-level violations like accumulated points from minor infractions without a traffic ticket lawyer can result in suspension. Never face a suspension hearing without a skilled criminal defense attorney by your side to staunchly defend your right to drive.
Getting arrested for a DWI results in an automatic 30-day suspension, convicted or not. No matter the circumstances, keep your days behind the wheel fully maximized when you rely on a suspended license lawyer and DWI lawyer to guide you.
Contact Attorney Jeffers Attorneys at Law for All Your Traffic Law Needs
When you need reliable and effective traffic lawyer services in North Carolina, contact Attorney Jeffers. With decades of legal experience on your side, virtually any traffic law issue will be made a more manageable, less complicated challenge when you partner with us.
We provide expert legal representation to North Carolina residents from all walks of life. Bring your case to Attorney Jeffers to stay fully informed from start to finish and secure the best chances of a positive outcome.
Get in touch for a free consultation.